Take control of your respiratory treatment

Apnolab is an innovative platform designed to improve the management of patients suffering from sleep apnea. By placing the patient at the center of the healthcare team, we facilitate collaboration between doctors, technicians and other professionals, while offering powerful tools to optimize monitoring and treatment.

Rate and share your feelings with your caregivers

Apnolab lets you share your treatment experience (CPAP, NIV) for more precise adjustments, based on your needs.

Sleep quality

Indicate the quality of your nights to help adjust treatments and improve your comfort.

Machine tolerance

Report any discomfort (mask, pressure) to optimize your treatment experience.

Treatment effectiveness

Share your impressions of the effectiveness of your device, so that your healthcare team can adapt the therapy to your needs.

Visualize your progress and health indicators

Apnolab gives you a clear, detailed view of your treatment data, so you can monitor your progress over time.

Health indicators : Monitor your breathing rate, air leakage and duration of use.

Tracking curves : Visualize sleep patterns and progress with clear graphs.

Session history : See how your nights are progressing, thanks to a detailed history.

Collaborate with your care team for tailor-made care

Apnolab places you at the center of a healthcare team made up of professionals (doctors, technicians, family members) for comprehensive care.

Health team rosette: Visualize your team around you in an interactive rosette

Custom roles : Assign specific roles to each team member

Facilitated communication : Share data and feedback easily with your team

Your secure, accessible space

Secure access to your healthcare data

The security of your information is our priority. Apnolab guarantees secure access to your data and complies with current confidentiality standards.

Data security

Your data is stored on RGPD-compliant servers, guaranteeing its confidentiality and protection

24/7 access

Access your health information at any time, wherever you are, for continuous monitoring of your treatment.

Easy sharing with professionals

Share your data with your doctor for better communication and follow-up

The benefits of Apnolab for your respiratory well-being

When you choose Apnolab, you benefit from a secure, accessible space for optimized respiratory monitoring.

Simplified monitoring

Thanks to feedback and data, you can benefit from personalized follow-up tailored to your needs.

Autonomy and peace of mind

Access your health information whenever you want, and share it easily with your medical team

Confidentiality guaranteed

Your data is secure and compliant with confidentiality standards, giving you complete peace of mind.